Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Final Art Project

This project could have been anything that we wanted. I decided to do several section with good quotes. The quotes say stand out, be unique, live life, and be human. I also put eye catching designs.

Final Photo Display

This project was many steps. The first step was to choose a purpose. Our purpose was to show the different sides of people. Then, we had to take several pictures of the individuals. We then had to edit and get them printed and laminated.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Coil Pot

With this project we had ti make a pot with coils . We had to make it big ernough to have a painting surface. This was partically easy ..But it dries up and cracks.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Dream Visual Board

The dream visual board is something we made to inspire us. Something we can look at when we loose focus of whats important to us. I wrote quotes that relate to me.